
Category: Movies  

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DTT: DTT_Classic

Movies Plus has thousands of movies in store; About 50 + movies are broadcast every month; The latest, most popular and highest-grossing European, American and African films with a strong ensemble cast.

   00:00   01:00   02:00   03:00   04:00   05:00   06:00   07:00   08:00   09:00   10:00   11:00   12:00   13:00   14:00   15:00   16:00   17:00   18:00   19:00   20:00   21:00   22:00   23:00

Five Shaolin Masters



00:00-01:20 Five Shaolin Masters


Conspiracy Theory


A taxi driver with a penchant for conspiracy theories becomes a target after one of these theories turns out to be true Unfortunately, to save himself, he has to figure out which theory it is

01:20-03:35 Conspiracy Theory

A taxi driver with a penchant for conspiracy theories becomes a target after one of these theories turns out to be true Unfortunately, to save himself, he has to figure out which theory it is



A drifter with a violent past comes to the city to kill somebody for money On his way to do it, a young woman crashes into his life, giving him the choice - to continue on this path of self destruction or leave it all behind and start again

03:35-04:45 Palmdale

A drifter with a violent past comes to the city to kill somebody for money On his way to do it, a young woman crashes into his life, giving him the choice - to continue on this path of self destruction or leave it all behind and start again

Places In The Heart


In central Texas in the 1930s, a widow, with two small children, tries to run her small 40-acre farm with the help of two disparate people.

04:45-06:30 Places In The Heart

In central Texas in the 1930s, a widow, with two small children, tries to run her small 40-acre farm with the help of two disparate people.

Dante's Peak


A vulcanologist arrives at a countryside town recently named the second most desirable place to live in America, and discovers that the long dormant volcano, Dante's Peak, may wake up at any moment.

06:30-08:15 Dante's Peak

A vulcanologist arrives at a countryside town recently named the second most desirable place to live in America, and discovers that the long dormant volcano, Dante's Peak, may wake up at any moment.



In a future where the polar ice-caps have melted and Earth is almost entirely submerged, a mutated mariner fights starvation and outlaw "smokers," and reluctantly helps a woman and a young girl try to find dry land.

08:15-11:10 Waterworld

In a future where the polar ice-caps have melted and Earth is almost entirely submerged, a mutated mariner fights starvation and outlaw "smokers," and reluctantly helps a woman and a young girl try to find dry land.

the Net


A computer programmer stumbles upon a conspiracy, putting her life and the lives of those around her in great danger.

11:10-13:00 the Net

A computer programmer stumbles upon a conspiracy, putting her life and the lives of those around her in great danger.

Supernatural S03E13



13:00-13:45 Supernatural S03E13


Supernatural S03E14



13:45-14:30 Supernatural S03E14


Supernatural S03E15



14:30-15:15 Supernatural S03E15


Supernatural S03E16



15:15-16:00 Supernatural S03E16


Spider-Man: Far from Home


Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever.

16:00-18:00 Spider-Man: Far from Home

Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), Spider-Man must step up to take on new threats in a world that has changed forever.

The Butterfly Effect


Evan Treborn suffers blackouts during significant events of his life. As he grows up, he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life by reading his journal.

18:00-19:55 The Butterfly Effect

Evan Treborn suffers blackouts during significant events of his life. As he grows up, he finds a way to remember these lost memories and a supernatural way to alter his life by reading his journal.

The Butterfly Effect 2


Nick Larson discovers a supernatural way to alter his life and travel back in time to key moments in his life by looking at photographs.

19:55-21:20 The Butterfly Effect 2

Nick Larson discovers a supernatural way to alter his life and travel back in time to key moments in his life by looking at photographs.

The Butterfly Effect 3


Sam Reide uses his power to time travel to solve the mystery of his girlfriend's death.

21:20-22:45 The Butterfly Effect 3

Sam Reide uses his power to time travel to solve the mystery of his girlfriend's death.



A young couple buys a home in the hopes that it is haunted by a ghost.

22:45-23:59 Foreclosure

A young couple buys a home in the hopes that it is haunted by a ghost.

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